Tuesday, April 1, 2008


It has been a long time since I posted. I thought I would start off with a couple of photos of some beautiful Tulips that were in bloom at Sarah Duke Gardens in Durham, N.C. on Friday the 28th of March. I went there with a few friends and we had a wonderful time. I took many photos and I'll share more in the next couple of days.
I have been working very hard on my scrapbooking. I can't believe how many pages I have completed or how much more I have to do. I'm in a challenge on Club Scrap and my team is the Red Team!!! Go Red! We won the challenge one week and have placed in the top 5 all but one week so far.
I'll add a few of the older pages that I have worked on after I get my flowers from Duke Gardens posted. If you ever get to Durham, N.C. you really should visit the gardens. We will be going back in a couple of weeks to see the azaleas in bloom.

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